<aside> πŸ’‘ Why Only Five Interviews?

1 - Project constraints, including time and resources, influenced this decision, striking a balance between comprehensive user understanding and project limitations


| Goals | βœ…Β  User 1 : Sabra DAGHMI
| βœ…Β User 2 : Mohamed Bensaid | βœ…Β User 5 : Fatma Benhammou
| βœ…Β User 3 : Chihab eddine khalili
| βœ…Β User 4 : Nissrine Mahir
| | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | | Demographics | Age: 29 Sex: Female Status: Single Tech friendly ( 1β†’9 ): 6 | Age: 44 Sex: Male Status: Married Tech friendly ( 1β†’9 ): 5 | Age: 48 Sex: Female Status: Married Tech friendly ( 1β†’9 ): 2 | Age : 26 Sex: Male Status: Single Tech friendly ( 1β†’9 ) : 6 | Age: 35 Sex : Married Status: Single Tech friendly ( 1β†’9 ): 6 | | Get insights into what most people do when they are sick. | β†’ Summary: Prefers a home visit from a general practitioner. Values direct doctor consultations. β€” β†’ Notes: Firstly, when I call SOS Medecin, a general practitioner comes to my home to diagnose and treat me. They provide me with a prescription that I can take to the pharmacy or refer me to a specialist. I always go to the doctor directly without going to the pharmacy. I would like to consult with a general practitioner who can refer me to a specialist if needed. Additionally, I would like to see a dermatologist. | β†’ Summary: Tries self-medication first. Seeks medical attention if symptoms persist. β€” β†’ Notes: When I'm sick, I usually try to treat myself with over-the-counter medication and home remedies first. If my symptoms persist, then I will consider seeing a doctor or seeking medical attention. | β†’ Note : If I’m sick I usually call one of my sons, and they actually help me with everything else.

If they might be late I get help from my neighbours usually. | β†’ **Note :**If I'm sick and need medication, I will usually search for the nearest pharmacy to get what I need. It's important to me to have access to medication quickly and conveniently. | β†’ Note : When I'm traveling and need medical attention, I usually use a search engine to find the nearest doctor or hospital. It's important to me to find a reputable healthcare provider, especially when I'm in an unfamiliar place. | | Find out how users manage their medical files | β†’ Summary: Organizes files in labelled folders based on doctor and content. β€” β†’ Notes: I store all of that in a folder, dividing the files according to the doctor's folder and labelling them based on the contents of the folder. | β†’ Summary & Notes : Uses a classic way to organize his files, not labelled, and he is annoyed by that. | β†’ Note : My son is the one who cares about all the files that I get from doctors. | β†’ Note : Whenever I go to the doctor, I ask for a copy of my medical records and any test results or prescriptions they give me. I usually keep these records at home in a filing cabinet, so I can easily access them if I need to. It's just reassuring to have all my information in one place. | β†’ Note : I usually keep a paper copy of my medical records with me, especially when I'm going to see a new doctor or specialist. I just feel more comfortable having all my information with me, in case they need to refer back to any previous treatments or diagnoses. I keep them in a folder at home, so they're easy to find when I need them. | | Find out how users manage their kids’ medical files | - No kids | β†’ Summary: Organizes kids' medical records in separate folders. β€” β†’ Notes: I have two young kids and keep their records separate from mine. Each child has a labelled folder with their name and date of birth. | β†’ **Note:**100% relies on her son | β†’ Note : I actually use a digital platform to manage my kids' medical files. It's a lot easier to keep everything in one place, and I can access their records from anywhere. Plus, I can share their files with their doctors and specialists as needed. It's been really helpful, especially since my kids have multiple healthcare providers. | - No kids | | Get a detailed understanding of how people will search for a doctor ( data entered in search/filters) | β†’ Summary: Prioritizes location and reviews. Relies on Google and friend recommendations. β€” β†’ Notes: When I search on Google for a doctor, I first want to specify the city and neighbourhood, or if a friend can give me the contact information of a good doctor. I choose a doctor based on their proximity and their reviews. | β†’ Summary: Relies on friends' recommendations and Google β€” β†’ Notes: II have to rely on friends' recommendations, scour Google, and ask around. Finding a doctor with available slots is challenging. | β†’ Note : 100% relies on her son | - | - | | Get a detailed understanding of how people will search for a pharmacy ( data entered in search/filters) | β†’ Summary: Checks medication availability. Wants details of on-duty pharmacies and their locations. β€” β†’ Notes: I need to ask whether the medication I'm looking for is available at that pharmacy or not. If it's not available, I need to arrange to get a prescription from the doctor to go to another pharmacy. Also, I need to know the details of the on-duty pharmacy, including the list of pharmacies and their location (and how to get there). | β†’ Notes: Usually I use google maps or ask around if I’m not in a place I know, otherwise i go to the pharmacy that is near to my work or to my home. | β†’ Note : 100% relies on her son | - | - | | Find out what are the most important informations that a user need to know about a pharmacy/Doctor | β†’ Summary: Prioritizes payment methods, location, and opening hours. β€” β†’ Notes: I want to know whether they accept card payments or not, please tell me in a language I can understand to help me. So, the important information for me is: the neighbourhood (location), the opening hours of the pharmacy (not urgent but still important). | β†’ Summary: Wants to know about medication availability, operating hours, and payment methods. β€” β†’Notes: "I want to know if the medicine is in stock if the pharmacy is open, and what payment methods they accept." | β†’ Note : 100% relies on her son | - | - | | Learn about how users will describe their best medical treatment experience | β†’ Summary: Values proximity and punctuality. Dislikes travelling to the doctor's office. β€” β†’ Notes: I'm fed up with the doctor, he's supposed to come to my house but he hasn't shown up yet haha. Proximity is very important to me. The doctor I'm supposed to see, when I try to contact him and make an appointment, I have to go to his office which is a pain point for me. | β†’ Summary: Frustrated with the entire healthcare journey.

β†’ Notes: user said : Why do I always have to wait in the waiting room? Carrying this paper medical history feels outdated. Dealing with insurance and all these papers is exhausting. | β†’ Note : 100% relies on her son | - | - |